About Us
#What we Do
We are PDA
Helping to change the world better
OUR VISION is to become a world leader in teacher-led innovations in the classroom for the mental, social-emotional and spiritual development of the child.
is to consistently find and offer engaging, age-appropriate and fun ways of teaching our children, to inspire in them a natural love for learning, and to connect them to their Creator.
1. Love.
Not only does a child learn best in an atmosphere of unconditional love, its whole personality thrives in it.
2. Excellence.
A child would naturally excel at what it loves and enjoys. We don't settle for average. We give our very best.
3. Creativity.
Every child is a genius of some sort. We help them to explore their unique gifting and encourage creative expressions of same.
4. Resilience.
Winners never quit, and quitters never win. We help our children bounce back after they have failed.
5. Enthusiasm.
We are very passionate about life, work and learning. We love what we do.
6. Celebration.
We appreciate and cherish the special moments of life.
7. Worship.
We acknowledge the fact that the ultimate use of life is to reverence God, our Maker and Savior.